My New Book - "The History of the USSR & the Peoples' Democracies"
Dear friends, I am pleased to announce that I just published my new book titled "The History of the USSR & the Peoples' Democracies" The...

The Truth about the Soviet Gulag - Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA
Introduction "Humanitarian" lies serve to brainwash the population into supporting imperialist wars. Fed by far-right propaganda, and...

Agricultural Cooperatives in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
2023 Update By the time of the 1965 coup d'etats in Algeria, the Nasserist forces were rolled back in that country, and the comprador...

Stalin and the Proletariat's Battle for Democracy
2023 Update The content of this article, published in 2018, is overall in the correct track. However, there was room for improvement. The...

Education System in Socialist Albania
According to the US Library of Congress: "Upon taking power in late 1944, the communist regime gave high priority to reopening the...

Agricultural Cooperatives in the Syrian Arab Republic
Syria is rich of oil resources. Since its independence, it could influence the flow of oil to the NATO imperialist countries. Fearing the...

The Prague 'Spring': A Gorbachevite Conspiracy
Alexander Dubcek's 1968 liberal reforms are commonly known in the West as the "Prague Spring." However, the events that occurred in...

The Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Albania
2023 Update The following article, originally published in 2018, contained some remarks deviating from the foundations of historical...

Khrushchev's Purges & the Rise of Soviet Party Nomenklatura
After Stalin died, Khrushchev began a severe decentralization of the Soviet economy. In February 1957, the Soviet ministries were...

Summaries of CIA Files: On the Economy of the Soviet Union
The CIA - despite its obvious bourgeois and pro-US bias - is a very valuable source of information about the Soviet economy. Furthermore,...

The Story of the US Empire: Military and Monetary Hegemony
JULY 22, 1944 – 730 delegates of 44 allied nations met in the Mount Washington Hotel, New Hampshire, to discuss the founding of a...

Hezbollah - A History
Hezbollah During the 1980s The ideologues of the Zionist Entity have long dreamed of establishing a "Greater Israel" stretching from the...

Stalin's "The Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature"
About the Author: Mikhail Bogdanovich Voitsekhovsky - Doctor of Technical Sciences, General Director of OJSC "ROSGIPROLES". State forest...